Welcome to Link Feed Ingredients. Link Feed Ingredients started in 2004 when I saw a need for a direct path for ingredients from the producer to the consumer. Since that time we secured a calcium pit, salt flat and a dolomite pit in order to keep prices competitive. We now handle bulk and bagged ingredients straight to you at the best prices. In 1950, my father started farming/dairying in Wisconsin and saw the need for a producer handler in the dairy business. He began bottling milk and sold it at our Alpenrose Dairy store in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin. He continued to grow his business, as well as our family, and in the years to come added a car dealership and a partnership in an International equipment dealership. In 1976 he started a dairy in Hereford, Texas, and a partnership in a dairy in Loveland, Colorado. I moved to Texas in 1994 to operate a 1300-acre farm and 8,000-head feed yard. This is when I began to see the need for a direct marketplace for feed ingredients to trim off the fat in a product that passes through several hands before reaching the consumer. The experience I received from my mother and father has helped form Link Feed Ingredients into the company it is today.


John Link

Raylene Castillo
Office manager
Link Feed Ingredients
Matrix Nutrition of Texas
Link Farms